Saturday, August 4, 2012


"Liberals" who say they are boycotting Chick-fil-A because they won't support some company who donates to hate groups, and then at the same time they support Obama who let's see:

1.) Resigned into law the Patriot Act. (I remember liberals being up in arms when Bush signed this into law, but when Obama does it...Silence)

2.) Is responsible for the deaths of tens of thousands of innocent civilians in Iraq, Afghanistan, and Pakistan. (If i had a nickel for every time i heard liberals call Bush a war criminal, guess it doesn't apply to Obama when he does the same thing).

3.) Has ordered and is ok with the assassination of American citizens without trial purely on his executive order. (I cannot even imagine the liberal outrage if Bush had done this.)

4.) Signed into law the NDAA which among it's many atrocious attributes authorizes the ability of the president to arrest and detain anyone even American citizens and hold them indefinitely without a lawyer or trial. (Liberals are such champions of civil liberties...yeah right!)

5.) Blows their Facebook pages up about Chick-fil-A but sits silent over the hundreds of CHILDREN who have been killed by drone attacks on order of the president Obama!

So go ahead and protest Chick-fil-A for voicing their freedom of speech. But when you do so , you have zero credibility or integrity when at the same time you keep on supporting a president who has done far worse things.

In your honor i am now going to buy myself a chicken biscuit from Chick-fil-A.

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