Friday, November 11, 2011

My thoughts on Veterans Day

Thank you to all who have or are serving The United States of America. And piss off to all the politicians who have sent our soldiers to die needlessly and unconstitutionally in every conflict since WW2. An even greater middle finger to the press who propagandizes the public to believe its all about fighting for our freedom.

Monday, September 26, 2011

Does anyone else find it absurd that a branch of the federal government, The Supreme Court, has the ultimate say on whether what the federal government does is or is not constitutional? Can one really expect to sue the Federal government in federal courts and expect an objective decision? Why would the states which created the federal government rest the ultimate interpretation of the constitution in the hands of the entity they drew up a constitution to strictly limit?

Can you imagine having a disagreement with any business, say Apple, and agreeing to have the disagreement decided by employees of Apple and expect a fair and objective decision? Most likely not. Likewise I cannot see how Americans stand for the idea that a branch of the federal government in the Supreme court should have the final say of what is constitutional especially when one of the parties being challenged (like in Obamacare) is the federal government. 

PS where in the consitution does it say the final and ultimate decision maker of what is constitutional is the supreme court?

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Ron Paul's foreign policy critics

Ron Paul gets more support from the military than all other candidates combined! Remember that when people knock Ron Paul on foreign policy. The troops actually doing the fighting support him more than anyone else!

Monday, September 19, 2011

Contradiction in the Constitution

"Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as a punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the United States, or any place subject to their jurisdiction." -The 13th amendment of the US Constitution

Taxation of one's income, and forcibly removing whatever percent, in effect means that the portion of that individuals labor, represented by the income earned and subsequently seized by the government, puts the taxpayer in the position of indentured servant to the government.

If one agrees with this line of reasoning, then regardless of the fact that the 16th amendment authorized congress to lay and collect taxes on income from any source, is in direct contradiction with a clear understanding of the 13th amendment. If taxation of income puts the taxpayer in the position of indentured servant, and the 13th amendment clearly outlaws indentured servitude, then both the 16th amendment and the 13th amendment cannot coexist to any rational thinker. Think about that.

Monday, August 8, 2011

Everyone needs a scapegoat to point the finger at when the true responsibility is staring at them in the mirror!

"When the debate is lost slander becomes the tool of the loser" -Socrates

Democrats blaming the tea party for the credit downgrade, is like a thief blaming their imprisonment, on the person who turned them in to police, rather than their own responsibility in committing the crime. 

Here is an article that demonstrates just this;

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Ron Paul, stranger in a strange land

Its always a breath of fresh air to hear a rational common sense viewpoint from a politician, especially when the majority of what comes from DC is fallacious nonsense. Here is Ron Paul:

Sad times in America

How right Churchill was when he said "The best argument against democracy is a five-minute conversation with the average voter." I am always amazed at how economically illiterate and historically retarded Americans are. Every time i read the comment section of some political article and just want to start drinking to drowned out the scary notion that such people vote.

Friday, July 22, 2011

Folks That Bother Me

Folks who bother me: Those who say high income earners are "greedy" for wanting to keep as much of the money they EARNED! Ironically these same folks see nothing "greedy" when the government robs the most productive of the fruits of their labor, redistribute it to those who haven't earned it, and vote for more robbery. They lambaste and vilify the real victims, and praise the thieves and recipients of the pillage.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Folks that bother me

Folks who bother me: Individuals who bash businesses for outsourcing millions of jobs, when those same individuals support the political policies (higher taxes, more regulations, and other higher costs) that make outsourcing such an attractive option to businesses in the first place.

Friday, July 15, 2011

US Government defaults. Separating the reality from the political rhetoric.

With all this talk about not defaulting on our Debt. Keep in mind there have been defaults by the US government several times in our history already. Lets separate the reality from the fear mongering rhetoric by the politicians. Great link to an article below:

This pretty much captures it

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Ron Paul 2012

The best chance for restoring maximum economic and personal liberty in this country. Here is his first official ad of the 2012 campaign.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Idiots...Idiots i say

So i just read someone write a comment saying, "The American people want the top 1% to pay it's fair share of taxes." 

Okay people the top 1% of income earners pay around 38.2% of all income taxes. So please explain how 1% of people paying 38.2% of the taxes is not a fair share?

Source:  Table 1. Summary of Federal Individual Income Tax Data, 2008(Updated October 2010)

Number of Returns with Positive AGIAGI ($ millions)Income Taxes Paid ($ millions)Group's Share of Total AGIGroup's Share of Income TaxesIncome Split PointAverage Tax Rate
All Taxpayers139,960,5808,426,6251,031,512100%100%-12.24%
Top 1%1,399,6061,685,472392,14920.00%38.02%$380,35423.27%
Top 5%6,998,0292,926,701605,71834.73%58.72%$159,61920.70%
Top 10%13,996,0583,856,462721,42145.77%69.94%$113,79918.71%
Top 25%34,990,1455,678,179890,61467.38%86.34%$67,28015.68%
Top 50%69,980,2907,352,1111,003,63987.25%97.30%>$33,04813.65%
Bottom 50%69,980,2901,074,51427,87312.75%2.70%<$33,0482.59%
Source: Internal Revenue Service