Monday, December 17, 2012

Americans are an intellectually and morally bankrupt people

If Americans care so much about innocent people getting murdered, when are people going to demand that the president stop dropping missiles, bombs, and drone striking innocent people in foreign lands?

Americans care only when American kids are killed, but when our own president orders their deaths they don't blink a fucking eye or think they can magically utter the words "War" and call the murder victims "Collateral Damage" and that makes it all peachy.

Sunday, December 16, 2012

Kill american children with an assault rifle = people go crazy and want to ban guns.

Kill thousands of Middle eastern children with American drones, bombs, and missiles = you win a Nobel Peace Prize and no calls for banning missiles or drones.

Saturday, December 15, 2012

Here is what is fucked up in this country:

Everyone is all upset about the massive shootings that happened yesterday, and rightly so.
But if mass killings of innocent children is tragic and worthy of all this attention, i would like to ask this: Where is all the attention and sadness from all of you when our president orders missile and drone attacks on children in Pakistan, Yemen, and other Middle eastern countries? That shit happens all the time and there have been thousands of innocent people killed, yet i hear nothing but fucking silence every day! No talks and arguments about whether to ban missiles and drone strikes on women and children. On the contrary you hear many of the same people who so adamantly want to ban guns after a lone mad man goes ape shit, simultaneously praising our own president who is responsible for the similar and much larger mass slaughter of innocent children in Middle Eastern Countries!