Monday, December 17, 2012

Americans are an intellectually and morally bankrupt people

If Americans care so much about innocent people getting murdered, when are people going to demand that the president stop dropping missiles, bombs, and drone striking innocent people in foreign lands?

Americans care only when American kids are killed, but when our own president orders their deaths they don't blink a fucking eye or think they can magically utter the words "War" and call the murder victims "Collateral Damage" and that makes it all peachy.

Sunday, December 16, 2012

Kill american children with an assault rifle = people go crazy and want to ban guns.

Kill thousands of Middle eastern children with American drones, bombs, and missiles = you win a Nobel Peace Prize and no calls for banning missiles or drones.

Saturday, December 15, 2012

Here is what is fucked up in this country:

Everyone is all upset about the massive shootings that happened yesterday, and rightly so.
But if mass killings of innocent children is tragic and worthy of all this attention, i would like to ask this: Where is all the attention and sadness from all of you when our president orders missile and drone attacks on children in Pakistan, Yemen, and other Middle eastern countries? That shit happens all the time and there have been thousands of innocent people killed, yet i hear nothing but fucking silence every day! No talks and arguments about whether to ban missiles and drone strikes on women and children. On the contrary you hear many of the same people who so adamantly want to ban guns after a lone mad man goes ape shit, simultaneously praising our own president who is responsible for the similar and much larger mass slaughter of innocent children in Middle Eastern Countries!

Monday, November 26, 2012

Thoughts on secession

You might be an ignoramus if: You bash the idea of secession, but celebrate July 4th. 

You do realize that the United States was formed by seceding from the British Empire and July 4th is a celebration of the American colonies successful secession!?
You cannot be against the idea of secession and simultaneously celebrate July 4th and be serious.

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

"I'd rather have the freedom to keep 100% of what i earn, drink or smoke anything i wish, marry whomever, and basically have the freedom to do anything that does not violate the natural rights of anyone else. I refuse to believe in the illusion of freedom because I get to vote on a new set of masters every four years."-Brent Korsower

Saturday, August 4, 2012


"Liberals" who say they are boycotting Chick-fil-A because they won't support some company who donates to hate groups, and then at the same time they support Obama who let's see:

1.) Resigned into law the Patriot Act. (I remember liberals being up in arms when Bush signed this into law, but when Obama does it...Silence)

2.) Is responsible for the deaths of tens of thousands of innocent civilians in Iraq, Afghanistan, and Pakistan. (If i had a nickel for every time i heard liberals call Bush a war criminal, guess it doesn't apply to Obama when he does the same thing).

3.) Has ordered and is ok with the assassination of American citizens without trial purely on his executive order. (I cannot even imagine the liberal outrage if Bush had done this.)

4.) Signed into law the NDAA which among it's many atrocious attributes authorizes the ability of the president to arrest and detain anyone even American citizens and hold them indefinitely without a lawyer or trial. (Liberals are such champions of civil liberties...yeah right!)

5.) Blows their Facebook pages up about Chick-fil-A but sits silent over the hundreds of CHILDREN who have been killed by drone attacks on order of the president Obama!

So go ahead and protest Chick-fil-A for voicing their freedom of speech. But when you do so , you have zero credibility or integrity when at the same time you keep on supporting a president who has done far worse things.

In your honor i am now going to buy myself a chicken biscuit from Chick-fil-A.

Friday, June 29, 2012

On the Supreme Court

Think about this. The United States Constitution was created by the States as a document that created, and then granted specific and few limited powers to the federal government. For anyone to think that a branch of the federal government and 9 federal employees in the Supreme Court, have the ultimate authority to interpret what the limits of federal government power are by interpreting the Constitution is a damn idiot!

Think about it in a different light. Imagine your neighborhood association hired a private security firm (ADT for example) to protect the neighborhood from vandals, invaders, etc. Now imagine one day ADT decides to start kicking in your doors and demanding more money to start landscaping everyone's yard. An action in which you are pretty sure ADT was not hired to do, nor authorized under your agreement with them to do. ADT makes some absurd claim that they are authorized to so under the contract you made with them, and that its for the good of the neighborhood. You and your neighbors call BS. Seeking justice, you sue ADT in court. Now imagine if the 9 jurors who decided the fate of your case, were all paid employees of ADT. Can anyone honestly say with a straight face that you would have an impartial jury or that this would not be a complete absurdity?! Of course not!

So then why do we think suing the federal government in federal court when the people deciding the case are employees of the defendant, is a sound idea? It's not it's ridiculous!

Monday, June 18, 2012

Thought for the moment

This country is full of deluded and egotistical psychopaths. We blindly label other nations full of terrorists, bomb, drone, and kill them, and then glorify and call heroes the people responsible for their deaths. Nothing is more absurd and ridiculous to me then when people thank our soldiers for "fighting for our freedom" How the f@ck is killing untold number of people in numerous countries, many of which are women and children, in any way keeping me or you free?

Imagine if the situation was reversed. Say for example the Chinese Military had troops in the United States for the past 10 years, had killed many of your friends and family with missiles and bombs. Can you imagine how absurd and pissed you would be if scores of schmucks in China were telling Chinese soldiers that their troops were fighting for their freedom by occupying and killing Americans? The answer is pretty clear.

Thursday, June 7, 2012

When bombs are dropped and kill innocent civilians by the US military, those doing the bombing are fighting for "Our Freedom." When planes are flown into buildings and kill thousands of Americans, the people doing the killing are "Terrorists." When will people grasp the simple fact that both are the exact same?
Go tell the family of someone who lost their loved ones to American drones and bombs that the death of their loved one was necessary for "American Freedom." 
The ability of Americans to deceive themselves and rationalize the systematic murder of thousands of innocent people in other countries makes me sick.

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Robert Bork captured it

Not sure it could be said much better:

"I don't think the Constitution is studied almost anywhere, including law schools. In law schools, what they study is what the court said about the Constitution. They study the opinions. They don't study the Constitution itself" -- Judge Robert Bork.

All this talk of the Supreme Court and Obamacare

Interesting fact: Not a single federal law was ruled unconstitutional by the supreme court from 1937 to 1995. 

As Thomas Jefferson warned, if the federal government is allowed to hold a monopoly on determining the extent of its own powers, we have no right to be surprised when it keeps discovering new ones. If the federal government has the exclusive right to judge the extent of its own powers, it will continue to grow – regardless of elections, the separation of powers, and other much-touted limits on government power.

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Must watch video lecture on the constitution!

Sadly as much as i advocate for the constitution, i often think the 19th century abolitionist Lysander Spooner may have nailed it when he said: “But whether the Constitution really be one thing, or another, this much is certain - that it has either authorized such a government as we have had, or has been powerless to prevent it. In either case it is unfit to exist.”

Seriously this is one of the best speeches on the topic i have ever heard!

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Def should watch this!

Great video asks and answers some great questions about the nature of government.

I'd also recomend reading this essay

Monday, March 19, 2012

Want to learn about libertarian-ism? Here is a good starting point.

Great speech By Dr Tom Woods

Rant of the day

I would like to formally thank every American out there who does not take the time to understand the very short document called the Constitution, that was designed to limit the federal government from creating the economic, civil liberty, and foreign policy mess that we find ourselves in. Your love for your favorite sports team, Jersey Shore, or whatever else was more important, leading to an apathy for politics, has allowed the government to trample most of your rights, rob you of much of the fruits of your labor, devalue any money you have managed to save, etc. When the system ultimately collapses and you finally do wake up and are up in arms looking for someone to blame, look in the mirror and realize your ignorance and apathy is at the root of the problem.

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Thought of the day

The biggest myth people in American believe in is that our military is out there defending our freedom. Sorry but invading other countries and killing hundreds of thousands of innocent civilians and our soldiers dying themselves in undeclared and unconstitutional wars is not defending anything! Our soldiers are just pawns, in a grand game of chess played by those who profit off of endless wars and the fucking people who buy the propaganda. I am 100% with the most decorated marine general of his era, Maj General Smedley Butler who said “War is just a racket. A racket is best described, I believe, as something that is not what it seems to the majority of people. Only a small inside group knows what it is about. It is conducted for the benefit of the very few at the expense of the masses.... There are only two things we should fight for. One is the defense of our homes and the other is the Bill of Rights. War for any other reason is simply a racket."